Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors are composed of the three Directors listed below. The President of the Board (and founder) will be the only constant on the Board, with the other three may change from year to year By-Election.

The Board of Directors are selected each year by the previous board based on recommendation and resume submitted. Each year, the Board will selected new members of the Board based on the criteria of

  • five years or more of parenting
  • one year or more of non-profit experience
  • one year of military or community service

Goals of Baby Wipez & Directors:

  1. To receive monetary $2,000 in donations from community businesses and private donations to cover operational costs.
  2. Collect 84 (7 families per month) packs of wipes per month.
  3. Collect 2,016 (14 families per month) packs of wipes for annual collection.

President of the Board

The President of the Board oversees the board’s work and often facilitates board meetings. In addition, the board chair is generally the primary person who works with the executive director or senior management team to make sure things are running smoothly and keep the board informed. These are some of the primary duties of a board chair or board president:

  • Recommends members for committees and appoints committee chairs
  • Works in connection with the executive director to prepare board meeting agendas
  • Arranges for or takes part in new board member orientations
  • Takes the lead on the executive director’s annual performance evaluation
  • Assists in recruiting qualified new board member candidates
  • Serves as the non-profit’s spokesperson as needed
  • Takes the lead in the annual board member self-evaluation process

Secretary of the Board

The board Administrator of the Board (or Secretary of the Board) duties help protect a non-profit organization. This is a non-paid, volunteer position. Requiring at least three (3) hours per month. Each Board of directors donates $100.00 to show commitment. The board Administrator of the Board will also act as the Board’s Secretary and have a variety of duties and responsibilities including:

  • Schedules board meetings, takes minutes
  • Assists in board member orientation, Tracks board member terms
  • Takes attendance at board meetings
  • Takes accurate meeting minutes and getting them approved
  • Ensures secure storage of official board documents and contracts
  • Maintains board records
  • Monitors legal compliance
  • Leads the Sustainability Committee

Treasurer of the Board

The board treasurer position requires someone who has experience in financial accounting for non-profits. The treasurer also needs to make sure board members can access the financial reports in a timely manner, which is why it’s critical to use a board management software solution. This is a non-paid, volunteer position. Requiring at least three (3) hours per month. Each Board of Director’s donate $100.00 to show commitment. The treasurer:

  • Manages the budget
  • Reviews monthly financial reports
  • Takes the lead in the annual audit
  • Answers questions about the audit
  • Chairs the finance committee
  • Partners with the executive director to ensure the financial reports are continually updated Leads
  • Leads the Financial / Audit Committee