Attitude in Leadership

Leader Leadership Skill Authority Influence Concept

Does attitude affect the effectiveness of leadership and teamwork? Yes, attitude is one of the largest factors in a team’s success.   Positive attitude does not guarantee Success, yet a negative attitude does guarantee failure. Attitude will either lift up or tear down.

Positive attitude will inspire an individual or team to reach beyond their abilities to give it your all to accomplish the goal and then some. People that surround themselves with positive attitudes increase their chance of growth. This is demonstrated when team members that have the ability to lead may step back and allow another member of the team to lead. A positive attitude will praise the other member of the group even though they get none of the credit.

Negative attitude tears down motivation and creativity? Negative attitudes prevent an individual or a team from reaching their goals and objectives.  A Negative attitude pushes people away from each other and destroys trust and respect for one another. The worst characteristic of negative attitude is that it compounds faster than a positive attitude. It may take a person smiling at the neighbor everyday for two weeks before getting a smile returned, yet one frown will produce another frown in a second.

Negative attitude is easy to recognize in the Workplace. You may have already witnessed a negative attitude within your college. A person that is unwilling to admit wrongdoing, failure to forgive someone that has apologized, or has displayed the “Disease of Me”. The “Disease of Me” May be guessed as the Person who can Only Talk About Themselves or their Accomplishments And Has No thoughts of the team.

A positive attitude is Recognizable, but Sometimes, A Person With A Positive Attitude May Look Like A Negative Attitude. A Person May Have Had A Bad Experience Or Just Been Given Tragic News. As Leaders, We Need To Know How To Spot Both Of These Attitudes, Encourage The Positive, And Correct The Negative. Sometimes, That May Mean Just Getting Away From It. Examine Yourself. Do You Have A Positive Or A Negative Attitude?