Abortion Talks

For the year 2021, for every 100 babies born, there were 40 unborn child from unmarried woman who sought abortions and 4 unborn child from married women who sought abortions. Those females between 15 an 19 years of age, 5.4 of every 1,000 females have sought abortions. According to U.S. Statistics, in 2021 there were 10.68 million females between 15 and 19 in the United States. That would mean about 0.54% or 57,672 abortions. This number is most likely low, for numerous law enforcement office have stated male sex offenders will use Abortion providers to hide rape and incest from authorities. There are videos online showing Abortion providers hiding or covering up this data. In 2023 the average cost of an abortion is $500.00.
In 2004, an interview of 27 women in North Carolina, 21 had pregnancies before marriage. 15 sough abortions, 8 said they regretted at that moment, 7 said they regretted the decision within the year of the event. Only one of the 21 said she never regretted the decision.
One woman [not of the 28 above] said she was raped in high school. She carried the child full term, then gave up him up for adoption. Two other women said they were raped in college and became pregnant as adults. One gave the child to adoption the other woman keep the child. She who gave the child to adoption, It was an open adoption, she keep track of him. At point of the interview (2004), he was 17, and a high school football star. She state, “I keep my distance, but I knew where he came from any an idea of where he was going.”
The political argument includes, what about the mothers health. The abortions of those special situation of the mothers health, make up less than 1% (0.118%) of all abortions in the United State. Speaking to two abortion clinic providers, almost 85% of all abortions are considered ‘Birth Control’ procedures. Many women have told the author, “they [abortions] are only used as a birth control options, not of medical necessity.” Most women who seek abortion are in their 20’s, low-income, and Africa-America (online source). Black women comprised 42% of abortion recipients, 30% were provided to White women, 22% to Hispanic women, and 7% were among women of other races/ethnicities.
For years, I have heard the argument from the Bible, ‘an eye for an eye’. Yet, I heard this misquoted. In reality it reads,
“If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely e but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise. Yet, the Bible is clean, Abortion is wrong, here we read not only is Abortion is wrong, but any danger or damage to the unborn child is recognized by God and calls for vindication.”
Survival. Many people who were scheduled for an abortion, but for the grace of God, survived to live a productive live. I spoke to two women, one is severally handicap how and speak for a living, said they wish Abortions were not needed and would go away. Six are featured online, are here: https://abortionsurvivors.org/services/. Only 10 states require report a failed abortion, of the ten states, 277 failed Abortion (babies born) in 2022 lived to see daylight.
Claire Culwell, writes, “spent in a loving adoptive family” is another Abortion survivor, who spend her live with an adoptive family. For every abortion in America, there are about “2 million couples currently waiting to adopt in the United States,” according to ‘American Adoptions.com’. The author has been told more than once, “there are three times wishing to adopt than the number of abortions in America.”
Why is Abortions more pragmatic than adoption? First, there is the pregnancy. Woman do not want the physical toll on their body of carrying a child. Second, the cost, there are extensive medical cost to the woman and family to carry a child full term. Third, going back to cost, the United States have made it very costly to complete an adoption in America. This is why many Americans are adopting foreign children from other countries. Mainly, it is cheaper to adopt overseas than in the United States.
Most women who experience Abortions, suffer from, ‘Post-abortion grief’, a physiological experience from the trauma of losing a child. Physiologist say grief, anxiety, trauma, and depression after an abortion is one of the greatest mental problem facing women in the world. One study shows, one out of three women suffer from One ‘Post-abortion grief’; one online source sites, ‘75% of women who had an abortion suffer from some form of grief.’